Sunday, November 18, 2012

HEALTH: Advantages, Benefits, and Charm (ABC) of Regular Exercise

- longevity (makes you live longer)

- makes you live a healthy, happy and better quality of life

- promotes optimism and positive outlook on life

- improvement of overall health and fitness

- enhances sex life

- boosts confidence, motivation and self-esteem

- reduces the risks of many heart problems

- lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level

- improves blood circulation

- strengthens heart muscles

- increases stamina and endurance

- increases agility and alertness

- lessens the risks of diabetes

- diminishes the dangers of cancer

- increases resistance to osteoporosis

- strengthens the tendons, ligaments and bones

- makes joints more powerful and muscles stronger

- lowers the possibility of respiratory ailments

- increases oxygen in the bloodstream

- improves digestion

- burns toxins in the body

- burns calories and thereby losing weight

- maintains the ideal body weight

- more efficient elimination of body wastes

- skin becomes healthier

- sleep is more restful

- relieves anxiety, stress, tension and depression

- provides pain relief to the body

- improves body posture

- better muscle tones and appearance

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